Thursday, January 13, 2011

Schedule - March

- Doors are open at 10:30 am - 

Date: March 3
Time: 11:00 am to noon
Place: Room C
Topic: Wills & Estate Planning Post-Baby
Guest Speaker: Joel Altman, Senior wills and estates lawyer

Join us on March 3, 2011 for an information session with Q&A on wills and estate planning post-baby. 

Now that baby is in the picture, we are faced with important legal considerations to ensure that baby will be protected if something should happen to mum and dad. 

Senior wills and estates lawyer Joel Altman [] will be joining us to provide an overview of the issues, and to answer questions that you may have.  In order to make the most of the session, some things to think about and perhaps discuss with your spouse in advance are:

1) Who will be your child's guardian? 
2) Who will be the executor (administrator) of your estate? 
3) Who will the other beneficiaries (heirs) be?
4) Do you have alternates in mind, i.e. in the event that your first choices for guardian / beneficiaries / executor are unable to act as appointed, or to inherit?

Date: March 10
Time: 11:00 am to noon
Place: Room C
Topic: Baby & Mom Naturopathic Care
Guest Speaker: Dr Stephanie Palz, Sage Clinic

Join us on March 10 for a 30 minutes session on naturopathic care for baby and mom. An expactant mom herself, Dr. Palz will offer tips on teething and how to treat and prevent cold and flu symptoms.

Date: March 17
Time: 11:00 am to noon
Place: Room C
Topic: Photography & Baby
Guest Speaker: Elayne Wandler, owner and founder of Bopomo Pictures Studio
Elayne Wandler is the founder and owner of Bopomo Pictures, the popular Vancouver photography studio. The flagship studio, in Kitsilano, opened its doors in September 2006 and quickly attracted a loyal following thanks to a unique approach that combines convenience, affordability and fun with modern, high quality photography in a hip and child-friendly setting. Today, with the addition of a second outlet at The Shops at Morgan Crossing in South Surrey and a combined staff of 21 employees, Bopomo continues to grow throughout the lower mainland. 
“Bopomo has been the most exhilarating experience of my professional life,” she says. “Although my background helped prepare me to launch Bopomo, nothing in my previous jobs compares to the amount of work, challenges and rewards that come with running your own business. Along the way I’ve met a few truly inspiring people who helped me immensely. And hopefully I’ve done the same for others, because at the heart of any endeavour is the strength of the relationships that grow and thrive out of it.” 
Elayne lives in the Point Grey along with her husband and two children, and enjoys tennis, golf, gardening—and photography.

Date: March 24
Time: 11:00 am to noon
Place: Room C
Topic: Baby Music
Guest Speaker: Katherine Deane, director and teacher of West Side Music Together

Here are some videos from our sessions with West Side Music Together:

Date: March 31 
Time: 11:00 am to noon
Place: Room C
Topic: Sleep Training
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Garden, Registered Occupational Therapist, Msc

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